This Is Why You Feel Stuck

Success is a subjective term. It means different things to different people. Some measure in terms of financial achievement and others use happiness and well being as a barometer. Regardless of how you chose to define it one thing is common among all successes, the behaviors carried out determine whether or not it is achieved and those behaviors are what I will discuss today.

Habits are the automated behaviors we all have that are carried out by our subconscious processes. They are behaviors that have been repeated enough times that our brains have determined them to be vital so it has been taken over by the subconscious as the subconscious is far more powerful than our conscious mind. This is a mechanics of efficiency by the brain. Our brains use up twenty percent of our energy reserves so it looks to conserve energy when ever and wherever possible, hence we have habits.

Whenever we carry out a behavior, and I include thoughts, emotions, and feelings, electrical impulses fire and form clusters. The more powerful the behavior is the more recruitment of electrical firings are recruited and the more repetition the impulses get the stronger the network or cluster becomes. After a certain amount of time a sheath is formed over the connections that provides insulation and enhances the speed at which the signal travels. This process is called myelination and once this 'insulation' is physically present you have a habit for that behavior. This is essentially the science of learning.

This is why it is in fact so hard to stop some behaviors and to start new ones. Those old clusters do not give up their space willingly. New networks can be formed but have to be done so slowly and consistently. One also has to be mindful of the situational cue that triggers the old network and consciously avoid it until a new behaviors is habitualized.

This process applies to everything we do. Habits make up half of the decisions we make daily and we operate from our subconscious loops by as much as ninety-five percent of the time. Being aware of this process is necessary to start to effect the change you want. Recognize that there is literal rewiring that you have to consciously do in order to make the changes you want. Slow down your processes and work to separate your thoughts from your feelings and then your words from your thoughts.


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