Decisions on Auto Pilot
How many of us are truly aware of the decisions we make on a daily basis? So much of what we do is automated once learned. The brain is efficient in this way. Remember what it was like when we first started to learn how to drive a car? Eyes wide open, super cautious and completely defensive, but as soon as our system learned the mechanics of driving we can drive while almost half asleep. (Not that we should) For too many of us, myself included, much of what has been learned and what has become routine, were not necessarily the most healthy or productive of habits. These range from managing and expressing emotions, setting and following through on goals, to methods of communication and so on. Fortunately once we become mindful of these things we can address them if we choose to. Just like anything else our 'muscles' of personal growth need to be nourished and exercised daily in order to grow, otherwise they atrophy just like any other muscle.
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