Direction and Journey over Destination

The only way to achieve anything is to first set a goal. Without a goal we don't have a motivation for our behavior to carry out an action. Actions without goals usually have us responding to the situations surrounding leaving our destinations to chance. I am one of those individuals who had seldom been successful achieving many of my goals resulting in more chance arrivals than I would've cared for. After awhile it in fact became a cycle of self fulfilling prophecy but in the direction I didn't really want to be going. I'd set high goals and each time I was unable to achieve them I would pack it in then I'd subconsciously set the next goal even more out of reach. The more unrealistic a goal would become, the less bad I would feel about not achieving it. I was caught in an unproductive cycle.

Almost one year ago I took upon myself a book challenge. I challenged myself to read a certain amount of books in one year with no expectations other than trying to hit a number. A funny thing happened while on this journey. My way of thinking starting to change. I had paradigm shifts regularly. It was as if I went from a green dot matrix screen to 4K High Definition. My book challenge resulted in me starting this blog and has pushed me in the direction of now working on my writing first book.

I'm quite certain that if I started out my reading adventure with the stated goals of wanting it to result in my starting a blog and writing a book, it would not have happened. But just having a goal that resulted in me moving in a direction that I knew would be more productive than what I was currently in has been nothing short of miraculous to me. This experience has taught me to focus more on the direction and the journey. Maybe next time you set goals for yourself, it might be helpful to simply set them to put you in the direction you think you want to go instead of having a fixed destination. You never know where the road may lead but at least you'll know you're heading in the right direction.


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