How often do you take time out to truly appreciate things?

Appreciation. It would seem that something like this should come naturally but it doesn't. Like so many other things in life if we are not consciously taught or conditioned to do a particular something it is left to chance that it will develop.

I am as guilty as anyone else about not appreciating so many things that I have. I can acknowledge that randomness has been very good to me which is all the more reason to appreciate the smallest and the tiniest things in life. Even better news is that psychologists have shown that the more we can take time out to consciously appreciate things our perspectives shift and we reframe things to be happier and exhibit more empathy in our lives.

As funny as it may sound, it takes practice to be appreciative of things. We take so many things for granted in our lives because of the routines we have established. And what makes things worse, when we don't have that sense of appreciation we start to complain about the most trivial things and create this circle of entitlement. Yuk!

Next time you're on the verge of losing it, which happens frequently when taking public transportation or driving in traffic, try to take a moment to actually appreciate the fact that you're in the position you are to have that be your trigger. Half the world's population doesn't even have access to clean water daily. Most don't have access to electricity. This doesn't mean to invalidate your feelings when something warrants a powerful reaction, but consciously appreciating the smaller things in life help to give us perspective sometimes and will help in managing emotions those times when powerful reactions are necessary.


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