Put It In Perspective

Perspective is defined as an attitude towards or a way of regarding something. What should also be included with its definition is that it is highly malleable. How often do we stop to think about or examine our own perspective on things and how they were formed? How often do you ask yourself if there is another way to think about something? If you meditate regularly you most likely do this much more often than most. Being able to put things in perspective is an incredibly powerful tool. I personally believe a class in perspective should be mandated in our public schools.

Our ability to reframe things frees us from the constraints of our own 'blinkers'. Those are the items they put on horses to stop them from seeing to the rear and to the sides, commonly referred to as blinders. If we are not flexible with our perspective on things, we are no different than those poor horses that are being manipulated. Psychologist Philip Zimbardo from Stanford University writes in his book The Time Paradox that in order to project a future positive mind state we must first employ a past positive perspective because how we view our past determines the direction of our future as one powerful application on the use of perspective.

Developing the muscles required to enable us to be flexible with our perspectives will not only improve our own lives but those around us. It will enable us to display more compassion and empathy towards others which enrich ourselves in the process.

The Time Paradox by Dr Philip Zimbardo


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