What would it take to get you behind the wheel of a driverless car?

Will driverless cars even have steering wheels? One would imagine so should the need arise for an emergency take over by the human. It leaves many questions unanswered about the technology but one of the most important questions is will it be safer?

Last year 40,000 people died in car accidents in The United States. (77 Americans have been killed globally from terrorist attacks over the same time frame) Automobile related fatalities continue to rise and the statistics show that driver error is the cause in approximately 90% of these accidents. Doesn't inspire much confidence in the human driving acumen. We are fast approaching the day when driverless cars will be unleashed and although I am a car enthusiast who loves to drive I can not wait. Driving when it is not for pleasure is something most of us can do without. Driverless technology won't be perfect but that shouldn't be the question. Will we be safer as a result of it? With the way most people drive I think it would be safe to say yes. Not only will it be safer it could very possibly improve the quality of life for many.

Driving requires many decisions to be made and most of us who have been driving for a while make these decisions without realizing it. Removing those decisions from our mind frees up space to make more mindful decisions in other areas. The driverless technology even as a part time option will be an improvement for many of us. Even when it does become a mainstay there will be many who will still choose to drive themselves but as with all technologies as it advances and improves there will come a point in the future where driving yourself in a vehicle will be looked upon in the same manner we view those who used horseback as the dominant mode of transportation.



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