Do You Know What You Do Not Know?

Opinions vary on topics that tend to split people into the various groups they identify with. Whether it is along political, religious, economic or ethnic lines, opinions tend to be strong. What everyone has in common from any group they align themselves with is how most of us are more poorly calibrated than we acknowledge.

People tend to think they know more than they do. We tend to think we are far better at tasks than we truly are. There are evolutionary reasons why this tendency exists in us all. It builds confidence to help us take on challenges in life apparently. Research shows that most of us think we are better drivers than we are, most teachers think they are better teachers than they are, we all think we know more than we actually do, and when married couples are asked to put their marital effort into a percentage the final number is always greater than 100% when combining their estimates. The gap that exists between our actual knowledge and ability what we believe them to be is referred to as calibration. Most of us are poorly calibrated. We vastly underestimate the size of that gap. For some us the gap is the size of the Grand Canyon. For others it can be the size of a small house. There is always a gap. Although some studies show the more educated someone is the better calibrated they tend to be, some argue that this seems to be more corollary than causal.

Awareness of this dynamic is crucial to improving ourselves in this regard. Understanding this will make us want to learn more. Knowing that we do not know as much as we do will push us to continuously seek knowledge and improve all the while shrinking the gap that we have and help us avert many arguments.



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