What Would Genghis Khan Think?

"It is the great ones among you who have committed these sins. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me among you." This was frequently relayed to those that were the rich, the powerful, the aristocracy, and the privileged in the countries and kingdoms that the Great Khan defeated. Two types of people were immediately slaughtered without question by the Mongols. The rich and the powerful.

Western scholars by and large have not been kind to the legacy of the man who would become the greatest conqueror and military commander the world has ever known. For one, he wasn't European, and two, he was an illiterate and uneducated former slave who rose to power not because of privilege or birth right but because of sheer will and determination. They were savages, barbarians is the frequent reference by western scholars. Interesting that they would be referred to as such considering the behavior of all the feudal elite in Europe during the Middle Ages. Torture, slavery and kidnapping (of women in particular) were outlawed under 'The Great Law.'

Upon annihilating the aristocrats of the Eastern European kingdoms, he was turned off by the poverty of these areas in comparison to the Chinese and Muslim countries he conquered and decided to leave them be and not incorporate them into his empire. Even though he wasn't a Muslim, when Muslims that were vassals to him requested help he sent Jebe, one of his fiercest generals on what is probably the most magnificent example of military ability with a Calvary of 20,000 men 2,500 miles to fight. The battle was tantamount to swatting flies for the Mongols.

His law was fierce loyalty to law and meritocracy. Most of his most trusted generals and a majority of high ranking individuals were former rivals. He had a policy of incorporating conquered people into the Mongol Empire. In his over 40 years as ruler he never had a general leave to join an opposing army and there was never an internal attempt on his life. Six hundred years before Karl Marx was born he practiced a system of distributing booty and spoils among everyone equitably that would be tantamount to being socialism.

One can only imagine what the great 'Chinggis' would do in the U.S. today given the chaos that is present today. Possibly slaughter all the rich, the powerful, the politicians. Demand religious tolerance and freedom by everyone otherwise suffer capital punishment. Force different ethnicities to work with one another and regard one another as family, as he did when he conquered people of different cultures and ethnicities. Again, or suffer capital punishment. Maybe institute a national program of advancement where everyone starts in the same place, without privilege or nepotism, and is recognized only for work and determination. Doesn't sound too bad.

Reference: Genghis Khan and the making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford



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