Why It Is Important To Understand Athletes Protest

Polarization is by definition the division into two sharply contrasting groups or sets of opinions or beliefs. This unfortunately is achieved very easily today given the access to misinformation we have today. Just by looking at the numbers, only thirty percent of Americans are college educated and only twenty-eight percent read a whole book in the last twelve months, it stands to reason to assume that most Americans are largely uneducated and ignorant to many things. This is not an attempt to breed content but merely a factual observation. Most Americans don't know what they dont know and assume to know more than they actually do. This leads to what psychologists call an optimism bias. That is, people tend to seek out information that validates their own opinions and perspectives and use it as fuel for their positions, whatever they may be. This behavior breeds polarization. Politicians are masters of this craft and use it effectively on their constituents. The educated and developed mind in turn seeks out information to contradict their positions to see what it is they are possibly missing or misinterpreting. This is what we refer to as learning. Obviously this approach to acquiring knowledge only applies to a significantly small percentage of the population and it is with full confidence I can write that the president, his core supporters, and many of the symbol minded who are taking great offense to individuals constitutional rights to peaceful protest fall into the category of the majority. The sensible thing to do would be to simply not watch the NFL if one is that offended but that would require a level of empowerment unbeknowst to many of these individuals. The fact that professional football is as important as it is to these individuals speaks volumes to where they are intellectually and emotionally which is why it may be offensive to them and quick to complicate their viewing experience. A quick lesson in history would tell many that being considered 'white' in American actually has more of a social and political construct than most are aware of. One hundred years ago if you weren't from England, Germany, or the Netherlands you weren't considered 'white.' The Irish, Italian, Mediterranean and central Europeans were not white in the eyes of the culture of power or the census. Italians were lynched regularly in the south during jim crow America. It wasnt until the passage of certain non segration laws did these other europeans adopt the mentality of black oppression and assimilate themselves because they could easily assimilate and would reluctantly now be considered 'white'. They jumped at the opportunity to now be considered 'white' and seperate themselves from black Americans with whom they were working and living with side by side. Many changed their names and did what they could to 'fit' in. Black people never had this luxury for obvious reasons thus continued to struggle as other immigrant groups would come and be able to assimilate and adopt the mindset of the culture of power which would be black fear and oppression. If you don't know any type of fear or uncomfort in your daily life in society, that is the definition of priviledge. Whether you are 'white', hispanic, a 'white' hispanic, asian or other, you dont know what it is to be black in America. Institutional oppression measures were specifically created to target the black population. These practices are still in effect today as we speak. Black people have contributed to the development of this country as much as anyone who has ever been here and are still the subject of oppression on levels most don't know and understand. When athletes who have a platform take the risky position to take a stand on social issues in an attempt to bring awareness that most want to believe don't exist, not only is it their constitutional right but it is an act of bravery. If you are a part of the majority that doesnt understand or even worse, takes offense, you would be better served to make an attempt to understand, put down the New York Post, get a library card and start educating yourself about history and stop outsourcing your brain to google those two to three sentences that simply confirm what you already think you know.



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