Discontent of Emotional Growth

 Personal and emotional growth, when it occurs, usually happens after we have experienced something negative. It stands to reason we need to make sense of something thus retreat to that place where we can be introspective and gain insight, but we can in fact be proactive and experience emotional growth without the pains of negative experiences. The key is to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

The only way change can occur is to question whatever role one is in and determine whether it is conducive to growing. Simply put, usually when big changes are desired, a culture shift or change is in order. If you are not making the progress or achieving the goals you desire, than the role you are in needs to be changed. This changing has to eventually take place between the ears in how we think but can start through our behavior, which in turn impacts our thinking thus providing that loop of thinking-->behavior-->thinking. The formation of new behavior and habits will create a level of dissonance that is necessary because it is in this place that growth occurs. It is exactly in this area of initial discomfort that the brain starts to make the necessary changes to accommodate everything that is new and learned. The key is to take baby steps, or as Charles Duhigg writes, the keystone. Keystone habits are those tiny new habits that create just enough dissonance to let our brains know we are experiencing change by doing something new, yet tiny. One can't decide to climb Mount Everest without ever having gone hiking. The process of obtaining the proper mindset to create the behavior to achieve has to be a slow and lengthy process. By gradually making the small changes, the larger ones come with less dissonance.

When consciously working towards growth, making ourselves uncomfortable is necessary but shocking our systems isn't. Deliberate practice which is work that pushes us just slightly beyond our capabilities is the template that works best. Little by little what is slightly beyond our capabilities grows in its diameter and any change we desire whether to our personality, emotional constitution, or to our behaviors is possible. The latest research in neuroplasticity all shows this is true. The first step is truly wanting to grow then to understand the process to move forward.

Peak by Anders Ericsson
The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doige
The Crystallization of Discontent In The Process of Major Life Change by Roy Baumeister
Change the Narrative by Elliot Yi Rivera
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg



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