How Much Control Do We Really Have?

Tony Robbins has made millions of dollars inspiring people to take control of their lives to believe in themselves and achieve their goals. He is a proponent of Nuero Linguistic Programming (NLP) which utilizes power of the mind. Rene Descartes' "I think therefore I am" preceded Tony Robbins by more than a few hundred years, so is this way of thinking different or has it always been around?

The power of our minds are fascinatingly under estimated by most accounts. Our brains have an ability to physically change in response to learning something new, creating new memories, and they physically adapt to our environments. This is referred to neuroplasticity. So change as most of us define it is completely possible, if we believe it to be so. For many of our main obstacle lays with that word belief. Habits form below our level cognition. Sometimes we can have a habit forming behavior to 'ingrained' in us we believe it to be innate. That's when we hear people say things like "That's just not me", or "I can't do that". The research shows how I important perspective, language, and mindset can be in this regard. Simply changing words to, "It is hard but with time, effort, and work I can achieve." Or even, " I can do it if I try, I just don't want to" works wonders in helping us to create the mindsets that can move us past our self imposed barriers.

Placebo effects are well documented and many experiments today are showing more and more that most of us are more than capable of doing more with ourselves if we dare to choose to do so. In the era of technology that has increased our need for instant gratification it is dangerously easy to discard our work ethic and create excuses to not even try to do something. Most of the movement we find ourselves in is subconscious in its engine but if we tweak our belief systems we can move in any direction we choose. Just ask Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson.



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