My Argument Against Internet Dating

Technology has improved many things we do and has made some things much easier for us to accomplish. But being able to do something easier and faster isn't necessarily always the best way to do something. Sure paying a bill, signing a document, and other linear things benefit greatly from technology but technology is working against the one thing we humans have going for ourselves. Emotion.

Make no mistake about it, humans are social animals. We are the most social of all social animals. It is a characteristic that has helped us survive and become the dominant species even though we are not the biggest, fastest, or strongest animals. It is our ability to be social that defines who we are. It is why alienation, rejection, heartbreak, and loneliness is so damaging to us emotionally. We are wired for connection.

The greatest of all connections we humans can make are our intimate ones. People can say what they want about standards, and checklists they have more mates, all that goes out the window when you meet someone that rids you of all that common sense we supposedly have. Internet dating sites may have the most sophisticated algorithms to match people but the most expensive, biggest and most complex computer still can't do what we humans do so well and so easily, and that is feel an emotion.

We are living in a time of abundance. With respect to material possessions, people in the United States have never had more of what they don't need at any time in human history and we are at the same time the most miserable, lonely, and unhappy group. How can this be? We lost our emotional connection. It's been replaced with texting, social media (which is really not at all social), fast paced everything. Men don't court women anymore, what's worst, women don't even expect it. (Which is why men don't do it) Getting excited about someone who 'matches' up well with you removes any morsel of emotional risk, emotional variability, and definitely can't factor in any secret mojo.

I don't know what the statistics are with regard to the success rate of people successfully meeting their significant other online but I know I won't ever be one of them. I'm keeping it old school where I need to feel and sense the vibration of someone's energy and have to overcome being scared to death to try and make an emotional connection. I'm not knocking anyone who does the online thing as I know a ton of people are doing so, but people have also stopped talking on the phone and doing a ton of other things that strengthen the social bonds that we all truly need.



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