The Chemicals Of Love

If you have ever fallen in love, you can probably guess what this article is going to be about. Those crazy chemicals of love. Ok, the chemicals themselves are not crazy. They are merely hormones and neurotransmitters that are circulated into our systems that can make us feel like we are going crazy.

The euphoria and bliss associated with falling in love have been shown to alter the brain's chemical composition in the same way cocaine does. Yup, falling in love can have the same effect on your brain that using cocaine does. The downside to the euphoria and bliss is the withdrawal and the need for that fix causing some of us to get lovesick. Maybe I'm portraying this on an exaggerated level, but you get the idea.

It is no secret that love can make some people do crazy, irrational things. Think Romeo and Juliet. The fact is when we meet someone we have a strong attraction to, the brain starts the evolutionary process of creating bonding agents in those people. Testosterone in men decreases making them more sensitive while testosterone in women increases making them want to be more sexually aggressive. Dopamine, that feel good agent, production increases and serotonin, which helps rational thinking, decreases. Norepinephrine and epinephrine are increased which causes us to focus on that thing, our new found love, that is causing us to go wild which is why it seems we can become obsessive when in love. These chemicals are also responsible for elevated heart rate, blood shunt to the abdomen and this is what causes those butterflies in the stomach. Oxytocin, which is our bonding chemical, is produced when we are affectionate with one another working to create a strong bond. And all this is independent to the emotional, verbal, and physical cues a love interest gives that play into reacting with these chemicals as well.

When you know you are in love, you may feel like you're crazy but you're not. When that's a relief. It is normal to feel more emotional than you normally are and this is a good thing. It means your system is working. So sit back and enjoy the ride if you happen to be fortunate enough to be producing all these hormones and chemicals that some people pay big dollars to experience.



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