Time Inside Our Head Is Scary...But That Is Where We Need To Be

We all have something, that thing, that we want to do that we are not doing. Whatever it is, there is something holding us back from getting it, going after it, believing we can do it. That thing is you. Or better said your mindset, your thinking. We are all our own worst enemy but this also means we are all also the reason we can succeed.

These scripts and voices we listen to in our daily lives were all put there without our permission. Yet, we live a life according to these rules as if they are divine law. Some of these may be beneficial to us in our daily lives, I am not writing about those, this is about those voices and scripts that hold you back from getting, doing, and being what you want. Those voices that say this is not for you, or, that you are not good enough, or if it were meant for me it would be easier. This is all nonsense that has been uploaded into your operating system and you are in dire need of an update.

Humans spend most of our lives day in and day out running as automatons. It is just a function of how we are. Our brains evolved to be incredibly efficient. The things is, we humans are the only species that can consciously work to update our operating systems, and we do this by thinking it so. If you want to change your voices and your scripts, get inside your own head and do the work. Visualize the change, meditate on it, create behavior that supports your new desired way of thinking. I guarantee you if you commit to the process you will see the growth and change you want. How do I know? Because I did it myself, and I am nothing special in that regard.

Four years ago I was in a difficult place. I got divorced, my dog I had for nine years had to be put down and I wasn't in the easiest of places financially. But I had an awareness of the decisions I needed to make and I wanted to be sure that the emotional state I was in didn't cause me to fall into behaviors that may not be the most productive for me in the long term. So what did I do, I started to read. I read books on self improvement, social psychology, behavioral economics, quantum physics, all written by the most respected people in these fields. Over the course of a year I read one hundred and eighteen books. This changed my life because it changed my way of thinking. It changed my mindset. In these two  years since I continue to read no less than one book a week, I've written three books, I started this blog, and I lost forty-six pounds. I accomplished in more in two and a half years than I had in my entire adult life because of how I got inside my head and changed how I thought, my mindset.

Our mindsets, beliefs, scripts, narratives, and our thinking process is all malleable. We can decide to change this. It is the one superpower we all have but so few of us utilize. It takes time, effort, belief, and commitment but it is going to be the most rewarding thing you can do for yourself in your life. I guarantee it.



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