What Do You Want?

The four simplest words can stump even the most sophisticated minds. It is hard to break something down into a simpler form but so many of us truly have a hard time answering this question because we've seldom really taken time out to think about what it is we truly want.

One thing is certain, if you don't know what you want, how can you ever expect to get it? This is not a zen riddle so much as it is something to show how mindless so many of us are when we go through the daily routines that are our lives. I've seldom thought about what I wanted in different areas of my life. Truth is, I didn't start to think in these terms until about four years ago, now it is a constant in my thought processes. The reason it is important to know what we want in our lives is so that we can make goals to achieve them. Without the direction of goals, we are mostly just wandering around waiting for something to happen going through life like one of those zombies on The Walking Dead.

The beautiful thing about identifying what you want and then setting the goal to get it is that it is applicable towards anything. For the purposes of this writing I am referring to those things of an emotional and engaging nature because that is what is valuable to me. I want to be able to make good decisions in my life. This process will enable me to create good relationships and have quality experiences. So I work on building myself up into the type of person that warrants these things. It gives me direction in my life day in and day out. I seldom feel like I am squandering time or energy because of this and that gives me a sense of purpose and engagement. The law of Quantum Physics states that you can't get what you want unless explicitly stated. There you have it.

Figuring out what we want is not really that hard. Taking the time out to do so would prove to be harder for most. Carve out some time for yourself and figure out what is important to you and then go and get it, be it , do it. We all have that capability to do so if we just the take out to acknowledge that we do.



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