Where Is Your Spotlight?

A spotlight is basically a very specific area of illumination that makes whatever is in it easier to see. It takes our attention away from what is in the shadows and this can be productive or unproductive. This has emotional applications as well. Our areas of emotional illumination are those areas that tend to be in the forefront of our thinking but as everyone knows, sometimes we tend to put that particular spotlight on an area that doesn't always serve our best interest.

Quantum physics has a theory that basically states that wherever we put our attention becomes our reality. We all have different realities, thus we all put our attention in different areas. What's lost among many of us is that we have the choice as to where we can put our attention which means, we can choose our realities.

Choosing our realities. That sounds too good to be true for some of us, but its true. The classic example psychologists use is the new car phenomenon. Have you noticed that whenever you get a new car (whether used or new) you seem to notice more of the same car on the road? Its not that more of your same car is all of a sudden on the road but your attention is on that car so you subconsciously seek it out, thus now noticing it more often.

We can always find something wrong with a person or situation if we choose to do so. What is also true though, is that we can always focus on something positive. One takes more conscious effort and practice than he other, so what will you choose?

Tony Robbins once said, "Since we all create our own realities, doesn't it make sense to create the best possible reality we can imagine?" Maybe we all have to work more on our imagination.



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