The Importance of Having Goals and How to Set Them

Goals are those things many of us generally only set when we are looking to achieve those big things in our lives. The house, the car, the career, or the wedding. Sometimes we hit our mark and sometimes we don't. One thing is for certain, goals are easier to achieve if we actually have them.

Many writers will tell you it is often best to develop your ending first so that you have something to work towards otherwise you can be writing on and on and on without any real direction. Life can get this way for us sometimes. Goals don't have to be grand in order for us to make big changes in our lives or to feel a good sense of accomplishment. In fact research shows that setting and achieving smaller goals is more productive long term because it does two things for us. The first is that it opens us up to setting and achieving more goals that we set. This helps us build momentum to eventually set and achieve bigger goals. And the second is it changes how we think about the process. We create in ourselves a self fulfilling mindset of achievement. If we create too grand a goal and fail to achieve it, this can work in the other direction of self fulfillment. We can discouraged and not try in the future.

Having a goal gives us motivation to commit to achieving that goal but we must be mindful of the process. Committing to the process is what helps us get back on the horse if we fall off and chances are we will do a lot of falling. Setting goals and committing to the process of achievement enables us to achieve almost mindlessly. Setting goals makes us live in the moment because we take stock and responsibility of our thoughts, feelings, and actions when we have them. We question if they are going to help us achieve.

On some level we all desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. It's part of what defines us humans. The social animals that we are require us to have a purpose. Having goals and working to achieve them fulfills this evolutionary desire. Be mindful of the goals you set and understand your efforts to achieve them and know that goals are somewhat impossible to achieve if you don't have them.



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