Be Mindful of How You Think

Be Mindful of How You Think

Our thoughts are some of the most amazing things in the universe. They are the genesis of pure creation. Quantum physicist will tell you that our thoughts are linked to the energy in the universe thus creating the realities we all subjectively experience. Few things are as powerful as our thoughts thus illustrating the importance of how we think.

Being a good thinker is not something too many of us give much thought. (No pun intended) But becoming skilled at anything requires practice. No one gets good at anything without practice and this included thinking. When we have a thought we have energy moving around in our brain. It is measurable with today's technology. It is estimated that we have on average seventy-thousand thoughts a day, the majority done subconsciously.

The number of subconscious thoughts we have illustrates the importance of practicing conscious thinking to manage them. What we put our focus and attention on becomes real to us. This ability comes with our ability to manage our thoughts. The anchor of what is self fulfilling is our thinking process. Simply thinking a certain way of something make that thing true and more probable because that will be the path of prediction the brain will take. Our brains primary function is as a prediction machine looking our for danger.

For quite some time I wanted to be a writer but never believed I was good enough. So I never even practiced writing to get better at it. What can be more powerful than that? The minute I decided I can be good enough with practice, I started a blog, wrote five manuscripts and self published three books, in two and a half years.

Thinking is a superpower that we all have but we just have to realize that we all have it. It travels under the radar in our minds and too many of us are content with our habits of thought. How we think is in fact a habit. The direction our lives travel in and the experiences we have are all determined by how we think. How we think determines how we feel and how we feel determines what we do.



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