Beast Mode Mindset

Beast Mode Mindset

Where is your beast mode? The term has been thrown around for quite some time and we usually associate it with physicality. I am in beast mode as I write this. I am in my Sunday morning mode at my favorite Starbucks working on my manuscript edits, writing this blog, and reading my book. I am actively building myself into the person I want to be.

Too many times we are influenced by our environments and particularly our social situations. There comes a point when if you are serious about growth and change you understand this one thing. And that is f..k everyone on the planet. This is not in an arrogant or condescending sense. You just realize that when you have a goal and the plan to achieve it, nothing else in the universe matters while you are in pursuit of it. Work on you. Do what you have to do to build yourself into the beast you desire to be while tuning out all of the noise and sit back and watch what happens.

When you are in your beast mode, nothing matters. This is a good thing. This means you've leveled up. Your focus and attention are where they need to be at to get what you want. Few things are more important than being able to stay in the moment. This comes with strong focus and attention muscles. There is no room for distraction.

I've adopted a philosophy of 75/25. What this is is an inventory of time. Three quarters of of my time of whatever I am doing has to be productive and working to achieving a goal I have. Three things. I set three goals everyday to do. I condition myself to be able to add to it but I can not lessen that load. Reading isn't included because I do this everyday regardless, so this primes me to work to always be on. I have been following this approach for quite some time now and my results have been excellent. This is my formula for leveling up. As my circle of confidence and competence increases so does what my 75 percent encompasses.

Create your beast mode and go after what you want. Figure out what you want then become that person and get it.



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