Time Inventory

9771 Days. That's pretty much how much time the average person has that is completely there own throughout the course of their life. The average life expectancy in the U.S. is 78.7 years. This is a mean number meaning many die earlier and many die later. Seventy-eight years roughly translates into 28,700 days. When you minus time for sleep and work that number gets chopped down to the 9771 days. We all spend at least a third of our lives doing nothing and if we have jobs that aren't engaging or meaningful to us, then we can say we effectively waste that other third of our days. With sixty percent of our life time days sleeping or at a job we don't particularly like, what are we doing with those days we have?

There was a point in time where the average working adult only had one hour of free time during their day. Technology, legislation, and more progressive mindsets prevailed and since the industrial revolution many people now have more time than they know what to do with but seem to be living in a time poverty. There never seems to be enough hours in the day for many. But how many of us are truly budgeting our time efficiently?

Research shows that we spend an incredible amount of time watching television and on our smartphones. These numbers are scary and it is effectively wasted passive time. It does nothing for us. Reading books are at an all time low, people are as lonely as ever in the social media era, depression and anxiety are at all time highs and affecting younger people more than ever and I believe at least part of this can be attributed to how we use our time.

I don't think we appreciate the time we have. This I can be a habit of thought. Little by little if we practice mindfulness and be no in the moment we can start to appreciate the time we have and consciously work to make the moments we have count. Time is nonrefundable and we can't buy more of it but we can be more productive with the moments we have. It is a choice.



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