Infinite Potential

Infinite Potential

Each and every person is capable of far more than they are doing and far more than they can even imagine. We tend to only pursue or go after what we are conditioned to believe is within our reach. Many of us don't raise the bar high enough. Hopefully after you read this you will do so.

What we think and believe are concepts we were conditioned to believe. No one is born with a belief. It is learned. This includes our beliefs about ourselves. What we think we can do, what we believe we can achieve, what we are conditioned to think is 'just us' are all learned concepts. For many of us the beliefs we posses about ourselves are not only not true, some of them are outright lies.

People do the best they can with what they know. This is pretty much an empirical rule I apply to just about everyone. The thing is most people tend to believe they know more than they do and even more do not consciously seek to expand their circle of what they know. If one doesn't expand their circle of what they know, then the best they can stays fixed as well.

No one meant us any harm by feeding us the concepts we have in our heads about ourselves. It was the best they could do with what they knew.

The concept of neural plasticity is our brain's ability to create new synaptic connections each time we learn something new. Our brains physically change in response to us learning. Each and every brain on the planet does this and has this capability. All brains do the same thing and function the same way and pretty much have done so for that last 40,0000 years. What separates higher performing brains is just what they contain, more information. More information means it has more connections.

It is estimated that the number of possible connections our brains are capable of is ten to the millionth power. This number is so big it is larger than the number of atoms in the universe. This means that we all have limitless potential. We will never be able to exhaust all of our possible connections. When we get stuck in a routine or pattern that we don't like or is unproductive (like having a bad habit) we are limiting ourselves in a way and on scale we can not possibly imagine.

It is time we all start to create as many connections as we can with the time we have left. Learn and experience as many things as you can. Start inputting as much information as you can to create as many connections as you can. These activities lead to creating new connections. I guarantee you that along the way you will come across your purpose or passion and you will have the capability to change the world. Learning is the key to creating new neural connections. Raise your bar and don't stop raising it because it has no limit as to how high it can go.



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