We Don't React or Respond, We Create

We Don't React or Respond, We Create

Free will and freedom of choice are frequently written about in many self help books and social science circles. Opinions vary as to how much of this is truly in our wheelhouse. How we frame things determines so much of how we are and this perspective is something we learn to create.

Our mindset is our most significant habit. How we think pretty much determines the life we live. This can be a difficult concept for some of us to grasp. We tend to think the more automatic something we do is, the more this thing must be innate. Over time everything we learn to do on a regular basis will become a habit. The longer we have a habit the more automatic and mindless it becomes. The more automatic and mindless something becomes the more innate it seems and we don't believe we can change anything about us we think is innate.

The truth is there are few things about us that are innate and those things are not what we think. Our ability to form concepts is innate. Our ability to learn and use language is innate. The concept of language tells it all. We all have the ability to learn and master language at the youngest age but we are not born knowing how to speak any specific language. We learn to speak within the rules of grammar, syntax, and punctuation within the scope of whatever language is our native tongue and we do so without a textbook, classroom, or lecture. So many things about us fit this mold.

How we assign feelings and how we express what we feel is very similar to our template of language. We learn how to feel and how to express what we feel but over time if feels so natural we assume that this is just who we are. That it is innate. It isn't.

The same way no one is born to speak a specific language, we are not born to feel and react to things in a set way. We create our responses and feelings to things the same way we create words and express things in the language we were taught. If you can grasp this concept you are on your way of tapping into your infinite potential.

Each and every limitation we experience is something we're taught. By opening ourselves up to the possibility of understanding how so many things about how we define who we are was in fact something we learned, we can learn more and create new ways of doing things.

We all have the power of creation more than we realize but because we are not in this mindset we find ourselves routinely creating things that don't particularly benefit us or push us to open our boundaries. We create more limitations that anything else. When you can start to understand you are the creator of everything that is you, you will start to push boundaries you never thought you could and you will be creating the life for yourself that will truly be limitless.



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