Subconscious Responsibility

I consider myself a moderate. Many say progressive, a few would say conservative. I believe each and every person is responsible for every thought, feeling, and behavior they have and exhibit, but with a disclaimer. They have to consciously be aware of such things and the mechanisms that drive them which most people aren't. Our subconscious rules. And even for those of us who have some mindfulness of this, research shows that very few people experience self actualization and of those that experience this even fewer, to the tune of five to seven percent, achieve self transformation.

So although I believe everyone is responsible for every thought, feeling and behavior we have and exhibit, it's more like the potential for that responsibility I know exists more than in actuality. Pundits will have a field day with what I am about to write, but how responsible are we for our subconscious processes? After all, our subconscious is developed when we are children and few of us are even aware of this let alone step out of this as adults.

I personally have experienced seismic growth and change over these past few years so I know change is more than possible. For those that know me I am clearly not the same person I was just three years prior. My core is the same but has magnificently been added to. I was an automaton being powered completely by my subconscious which I didn't program. I like to think that I am a different kind of automaton now. One that is still powered by my subconscious but a subconscious of my choosing. Would this be something the masses would be interested in?

We are living in a time where polarization, extreme polarization, is sadly becoming the status quo. We seek out informative circles that validate our limited experiences and preexisting knowledge. This is the confirmation bias and social media networks exploit this down to a science. Sophisticated algorithms pick up on our 'likes' and feed us related information to do nothing but fan the flames and sell us things. Our political affiliations tends to fall into consumer specific shopping patterns which companies pay social media networks handsomely for.

The path to well roundedness requires we expose ourselves to as much information as we can, specifically information outside our wheel house. This is not the easiest practice for some but what lays on the other side is a liberation from a mindset where we are more concerned with being right and puts us on the path seeking understanding empowering us with more empathy.



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