Disrupt Your Prediction Cycles

Disrupt Your Prediction Cycles

The human brain is fascinating. Over the years technology has granted the top minds in the field the opportunity to study the brain and learn things that in decades past have only been speculated upon. As much as we now know about our brains what has been discovered is actually how we little we know and how much more there is to learn.

Our brains have evolved over the course of our evolutionary history over the past two million years into the fabulous mechanisms they are today. They have been pretty much the same over the past forty thousand years and what we know is that our brains are slow to adapt to our environments. Technology has things in our lives moving at warp speed where as many of us are still working with operating systems working on Paleo time.

One of the many things our brains do is perform predictions. After our brains becomes wired in our early elementary years the brain shifts into a prediction mode that creates environments, experiences, and situations based on the information that has been learned. This is the root of self fulfillment. This operates way below our level of awareness but becoming mindful of this is necessary to implement changes to our prediction model.

How we think feels so intuitive many of us simply can not fathom the notion that we can change this. We make up a narrative that explains why we think the way we do this accepting our behavior as just being who we are. We are this reverse engineer g our behavior. This is a mindset that works against change and growth.

Changing direction requires disrupting the prediction loop. This requires practice. Being mindful and slowing things down is necessary and even after this is accomplished we have to consciously break the loop. Our brains are wired to produce comfort for us. Security and stability is the status quo. In order to break the loop we have to be keenly aware of when the brain is interrupting our desire to work and be uncomfortable and it happens quickly. How many times have you told yourself that you are going to go the gym when you get home from work only to sit down, lose momentum, then rationalize why you can stay home? It is at that critical moment a manual override is necessary to get moving, to work against the prediction model.

This process works to anything we wish to achieve. Working out takes us out of our comfort zone, reading books takes us out of our comfort zone, the hard things in life takes us out of our comfort zone. It is in these zones where growth and change occur. We don't have to be grand in our expansion of these zones. Small and slow increments over a consistent basis prove to be more effective than trying to just dive in the deep end of the pool without knowing how to really swim.

All of our brains work to provide us with comfort and keep us from stepping out. Only by being mindful of this process can we work to step out to improve whatever it is we are looking to improve and break our prediction loops to become the best version of ourselves we can be.



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