Decisions Are Opportunities...We Have Plenty of Them

The trajectory our lives take have many switches and levers that play a role in the paths taken. Behavior is both easy and impossible to catalog. Patterns among groups are easy to chart where as plotting individual paths can be predicted at best as random. Life has few certainties but it has probabilities. These probabilities are swayed in our favor if we can make good decisions.

What exactly makes a good decision? This can be somewhat subjective but I think in a general sense that a good decision is one that gets you closer to what you want in your life. Half of what we do daily are in the form of habits and ninety-five percent of who we are (by the age of 35) is powered by our subconscious. Our conscious process has two real powers however. One is to create. The creative energy and process lives in our conscious mind. It's where we create goals, we dream, we have our visions. And secondly, it is where we can make an in the moment decision. So powerful is this ability to make a decision we can in fact override the subconscious in the moment. This ability becomes stronger with practice just like anything else.

Why is this important? Every moment of everyday of our lives we are making decisions. What to do and what not to do. It is estimated we make 35,000 decisions daily. These are all opportunities because the lives we live come down to our decisions whether consciously or subconsciously made. The quality of our lives and who we are come down to our decisions. What could be more important in our lives than this?

The reality is that most people never take the time to step out and examine this process within themselves. It is in fact difficult to do. What if you don't like what you see? But it is exactly at this point a decision needs to be made (pun intended). You can step into tension and make a change or continue along the same path and convince yourself you're good. As you read this I would challenge you to ask yourself, of those 35,000 you make daily, how many are working for you as opposed to against you?



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