Changing Potentials

Change is something we all aspire to accomplish at varying points and times in our lives. We can desire to change our career, our style, or even elements of our personality. Whatever change we desire is achievable if we take the time out to follow some simple protocols that apply to the elements of change.

Change is a constant in our lives whether we are mindful of it or not. It seems when we want to be present and consciously effect change is when we are most challenged. Quantum theory says that all potentials exist simultaneously. So every direction we could possibly want to go has a path already established. The person we want to become already exists. It is then up to us to do what is necessary to attract this to ourselves. If this is sounding creepy, it's because it is. This mindset goes against all the conventional thinking of cause and effect many of us have been indoctrinated with, myself included. The majority of us simply have this belief that getting something will make us something.

To change direction we have to slow things down. Our reactions, our responses, our thought processes all have to be slowed down to the point where we are observers of our own selves. It is in this space we can pick a new potential. We will have to try more than one potential before we end up with the one we want and this is ok as long as we commit to the process. Once we do it one time it becomes easier the next. Think of the process as trying on new clothes to see which one you like the most.

Experiments in quantum physics have shown that particles in their simplest form only show themselves when they are being observed and that the direction they travel is determined by the direction the observer thinks they will be traveling. We are all essentially energy and we have a say as to how we focus our energy and how we project it.

Psychologists have shown that happy people are happy because they do happy things. Renowned relationship and marriage expert John Gottman's advice when love seems to be lost is to simply act lovingly to restore it. Research continues to show that by doing we become. We are the creators and architects of our lives. We cause of our effect.

Social psychologist have shown time and time again how powerful environments, experiences and situations are in influencing our thoughts and behaviors. As creators we have to take note that we engineer our environments, experiences and situations. Randomness does exist in the universe and in our subjective realities and life has a funny way of utilizing this by smacking us silly from time to time but although we may not always have a choice of or create the situation we find ourselves in, we always have the choice of how we respond and thus cause our effect.



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