Focus to Create Your Reality

Focus is largely defined as a convergence of rays of light resulting in higher concentration of that light. In terms of our own use of focus, it is a convergence of thoughts resulting in one thought a a high concentration. It isn't anything we can touch, feel or taste but is very real and very important in terms of our being to achieve and manifest things for ourselves.

The human brain is one of the most fascinating things in the universe making us humans one of the most fascinating things in the universe. For thousands of years scientists and philosophers speculated about things regarding how our brains and minds work and this is done probably more so these days. The difference today is that technology is catching up to be able to help us to better understand properties of the brain and how it works as opposed to relying on subjective observations of the past.

Allow me to introduce the reticulating activating system (RAS). This is the part of the brain that makes what you focus on real to you. The RAS is what makes you notice every car on the road that is the same as the one you just purchased. It is what makes you hear your name spoken across a noisy room even though you are entrenched in your own conversation. It is what makes you achieve something you've envisioned yourself doing before you've done it. It is a physical component of your brain that plays a role in self fulfilling behaviors.

Reality is subjective for us all. Physicists and physiologists have proven this. Our sensory filters are just that, filters. What gets through to our conscious processes depends on what we determine to be real to us. What you focus on is what becomes real to you. We don't always consciously direct our focus. If you have a habit of watching television, the news in particular, you are subjecting yourself to the worst society has to offer on a regular basis. Consequently you are going to develop a less than confident opinion on society because your focus is directed in that direction. Thus this is what becomes real to you. Your mind will then seek out everything that validates that perspective.

The content you consume matters, it shapes your focus. We all have the ability to direct our focus where we choose but this takes does not come naturally. As with everything in life worth while this requires effort, work and time. It is a choice. One of the best ways to develop your ability to focus is to read books. Reading books is an unnatural process for the brain. The brain's default position is to constantly scan and not focus. Taking the brain out of its default state yields tremendous neurological benefits that have been documented and enhanced ability to focus is one of them.

If you want to take control of your life and shift patterns and directions, develop your ability to focus and create the reality of your choosing.


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