Why You Get Taken Off Your Line of Achievement

Why You Get Taken Off Your Line of Achievement

I speak frequently about setting goals and creating habits to achieve them. It is my passion. I've turned it into my purpose. I find it hard to believe when people tell me there isn't anything more they want to do or achieve in their life. I believe this to be a cover. If we are honest with ourselves we all have dreams, desires, and wishes. Somewhere along our journey of maturation we stopped consciously thinking them but they are still there.

I am not a motivational speaker. If people get motivated from hearing me speak or reading something I write that is a positive externality. I fancy myself simply as a lifelong student of life and I am passionate about sharing what I learn. We all have dreams, desires and wishes but very few of us go after them. I believe there are four reasons why: (1) We don't know how to, (2) We don't know that we can, (3) We don't believe we can pursue them, or (4) We don't believe we deserve it. Take a few moments and deconstruct. No one can see or hear you. What are your dreams? Why haven't you tried to achieve them? If you have tried, why did you stop trying? I'm certain your reason falls into no less than one of those aforementioned categories. The good news is each and every one of those reasons are easily fixed.

There is more knowledge floating around today than ever before so get to acquiring all the knowledge you can about achieving your dream. Hell, if you wanted to email me what your dream is I can guarantee that within ten minutes I can send you a list of at least twenty-five books that will give you the knowledge you lack. That takes care of reasons one and two.

Belief is a funny thing. It is so powerful it guides our lives and determines the paths we take or don't take but once you start to deconstruct and really question where you beliefs came from and why you have them, very few people are capable of answering this. Here is some help. Your beliefs are nothing than things you have learned. Period. Anything that is learned can be unlearned and replaced. The single best way to create belief in yourself when you lack it is to go and do that thing you don't believe you can do. You will do it shitty at first but if you commit to your process you will see progress and get excited about and this will energize you to continue. Reason three taken care of.

Belief about what you deserve is a conditioned process as well but a little more tricky to navigate because it requires a change in the narrative. You just have to trust me on this one. You are as brilliant and as great as anyone you admire, you just haven't put the same work in. You deserve whatever you decide you deserve but you have to put the work in. Reason four taken care of.

When you get to your ignition moment and you start setting your moonshot impossible goals, look back to those four reasons and make sure they are not why you are veering off your achievement line. Also, be mindful of the emotions and feelings that steer you off your line as well. Keep telling yourself that emotions and feelings are temporary so it doesn't matter how you feel when you know what you have to do. Commitment is everything. Your core values are everything. Know how great you are going to feel after you've done something you didn't feel like doing. The only thing that can truly take you off you line is you.


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