Know Where Your Limitations End And Your Limitless Begins

Power of the mind is infinite while brawn is limited. If we are fortunate enough to live long enough we will inevitably be faced adversity and difficult times. How we navigate those times greatly impacts how we approach future obstacles we will face. Knowing what we are and are not capable of helps us to gain a helpful perspective in dealing with everything we face.

We have physical limitations. We have financial limitations. But where our emotional, intellectual, and psychological limitations exist greatly depends on where we decide they begin and end. The mindset we employ filters everything we see. Our mindset is nothing more than a habit of thought. We have in us the ability to reframe anything, anything. In this regard we are limitless. No two people respond to the same stimulus in the same manner. Our realities are subjective. They need not be fixed, this is a choice. One useful exercise in this regard, particularly when facing adversity, is to ask yourself a simple question. How could it have been worse? Many people when faced with adversity or dealing with its aftermath when asked this question immediately sense a shift. Because imagining how an event could have been worse changes our thinking and our feeling on the thing. The event in question did not change, we are limited in having influence on this. But where our limitless shines is in our ability to reframe and to be flexible with our context. This is a skill and takes practice to develop.

I have been faced with personal adversity as many people have. To live is to encounter these types of things. Hemingway once wrote, "Life humbles everyone." But everyone does respond differently and this is something we can all work to improve. The mind's default setting is to always scan for danger and threats, to be on the defensive. A negative and pessimistic mindset is just more common than an optimistic and positive one but this doesn't have to be the case. These mindsets are more common because they are easy to employ and take less work to have, but they are limiting mindsets. They color everything you see a certain way and effectively cut you off from being able to see things in a different light. The same is true for the optimistic and positive filter except that it requires work and practice because it is a growth model. It doesn't come naturally and it is not the default setting. Once you can effectively employ and rewire your default mindset to being more optimistic and positive you will cut off the ability to employ a negative mindset and the coloring of everything will change as well.

There isn't a right or wrong when it comes to the mindsets and filters we choose but there is a probability of achievement connected to them. To have control over what we think about and how we think is to tap into our limitless and infinite potential and this is a habit of thought. Our creative process knows no bounds and this is just as applicable to how we view things as it is to the world of art, dance, music, and theater. Why not work to master the creative process on the canvas of your mind in how you view things because this has direct implications in improving the quality of the life you live.


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