Strong People Need Your Compassion Too

There are always dynamics that form in relationships that eventually become patterns. Anything done often enough becomes a habit and once this pattern is established it can be not only difficult to change but to even be mindful of a change being necessary.

We are all flawed humans. We are all works in progress. At best we are aware of at least some of our flaws and are mindful in our approach to remedy them. We are all mutli faceted. Some of us take more than we give, and some of us give more than we take. In the sphere of emotional regulation, some are more able to be the person people lean on in difficult times while others may not be. We all operate on the same emotional spectrum to different degrees. You all know that person that seems to be the person that nothing seems to bother them and unfortunately these people have a tendency to not speak about what bothers them. They are too used to being there for others. Sometimes even if they speak upon their needs it can throw people off because it's not part of the normal prediction loop that is established in many of their relationships.

Humans are good at sensing moods and emotions but most us are not experts in this field. If you are that person who people rely on but feel like your needs are overlooked, you need to articulate this. It could be as simple as someone operating off of a false perception and we do this often. If you have a perception of someone that nothing bothers them, throw that mental model in the garbage, we are all bothered by the same things. People just have different ways of managing and expressing this.


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