The Importance of Context

How we understand things is dependent upon how we see things. For too many of us our realities are viewed through a subjective keyhole limiting how we interpret things thus limiting our context. In order to be more agile with our understanding and to develop more than one approach to something we must first develop flexibility with the context we apply to information we receive.

You're not as good as you think you are and you don't know what you think you know. This applies to us all and if you can accept this about yourself and others, then you are on your way. How we navigate our subjective reality that is life wholly depends on our interpretation of the things we create and encounter. This interpretation doesn't have to be fixed. In fact, the more flexible we are with how we can interpret things, the more able we are to navigate and problem solve particularly the difficult times we all inevitably face.

Context is not only having the right tools for the job but using the right tool for the right job. You wouldn't throw someone who is drowning a fire extinguisher to save them. You wouldn't use matches to put out a fire. You wouldn't use a hammer if you needed to cut wood. You wouldn't bring a football to the basketball court. Everything in life has its place and is useful when properly applied. The beautiful thing about how our minds operate is that we can have multiple uses for the same mindset and we can develop multiple mindsets for the same situation. Our minds are as flexible, or as rigid, as we decide we want them to be.

Physicists do not believe in death. This doesn't mean they don't mourn the loss of someone. But they experience if differently. Hardship and pain are unavoidable in life. How you choose to approach them determines how you will be on the other side and how you deal with them when they surface again. It can be dangerous to take the cookie cutter approach to life where you try apply one way of thinking and doing to everything in your life, not to mention it is limiting. There are no less than an infinite number of ways you can approach just about anything in your life and since reality is subjective, practice being flexible with your context. Think in terms of what ifs, and is it possible, or how about this, and become flexible with your context. The ability to change and be flexible with context will not only give you a better understanding of yourself but people in general. It will help you navigate adversity more productively and let you experience more joy. It doesn't eliminate hurt or pain but will change how you deal with it.


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