The Military Mindset and The Civilian Mindset

The biggest reason why we make the mistakes we make is because we tend have the incorrect mindset applied to a given situation. We can have all the right intentions but if it's applied in the incorrect context then the desired results are not going to follow.

Few institutions are as effective at behavioral engineering as the military. The training is specifically designed to create a specific mindset to be applied to specific situations and circumstances. Unfortunately even military training has its limitations when applied in the wrong context.

I refer to the civilian mindset as that way of thinking that produces optimal results in what are our normal everyday lives.

The mindset we employ at any given moment dictates the information we let through and the information we decide to use greatly impacts the quality of any decision we make. A hammer sees everything as a nail, a saw sees everything as wood, a wrench sees everything as a bolt or nut that needs to be twisted. Each tool has its purpose but is not always the best tool for every siutation.

Our mindsets operate in the same manner. It is incredibly difficult to have this awareness and to start practicing this we first have to acknowledge this.

We do not know what we think we know. This is the first step. Then we have to question what we believe and what we know. Is there another way to approach something? What could be a more effective way of doing something? What information do I need? Questions are the gateway for us to start wearing different mindsets in different situations like clothes in a closet. The more mindsets we have in our toolbox the better equipped we are going to be for a variety of situations we will face.


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